Linux basic commands ubuntu server (CLI)

by 4:59 AM 0 komentar

Ubuntu is very famous for its CLI (Command Line Interface). CLI itself is the interface does not provide graphs, either in the form of pictures, windows or animations that can spoil the user, but only in the form of text that must be typed by the user. So, if we want to do surgery in the operating system, for example, perform copy, rename, cut, delete, and so on, then we must megetikkan command in the form of text by hand and not with a click using mos as the interface GUI (Graphic User Interface) ,

Increasingly, more and more computer users who make Linux as the main operating system. In addition it is open source, it turns Lin ux operating system is also more demanding us to continue to study it. Even today, Linux has begun to enter the world of education, as in smk especially on competency skills TKJ. Thus, the development of the Linux Operating System users can grow quite large.

Here is some code commands that can be used in the Ubuntu operating system in CLI mode, both Desktop and Server, which is also a lot to be used on other distributions. In this example I use Ubuntu Server.

1. sudo su
Serves to log in as root / user supreme

2. cd
Function to change directory
Usage: cd address_direktori
Example: root @ ubuntu / home # cd bin (Moving from home to the bin)

3. cd ..
Serves to return from a directory
Usage: cd ..
Example: root @ ubuntu / home / bin # cd .. (Back from the bin to the home)

4. mkdir (make directory)
Serves to create a directory
Usage: mkdir [directory name]
Example: root @ ubuntu / home / # mkdir bin (Make a directory called "bin")

5. paint
Serves to create a file
Usage: cat> filename
Example: root @ ubuntu / home / # cat> bin and then "enter"
                ctrl + c (terminate and save)
                (Make a file named "bin" with the contents of the file "Biography")

6. rm (remove file)
Function to delete files
Usage: rm filename
Example: root @ ubuntu / home / bin bio #rm then "enter" (delete a file named "Biography")

7. rmdir (remove directory)
Serves to remove directory
Usage: rmdir nama_direktori
Example: root @ ubuntu / home # rmdir bin and then "enter" (delete a directory named "bin")



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